Web Development

2,000.0 $

Website Pages * 

Online Store Features

Customer Support Options * 

Delivery / Currier Options

Support Your System Technically * 

Make your Idea As a Feature (+1,000.0 $)

write your Feature Idea we will make it on your website.

(max file size 3 GB)



You will Have some Basic Options as below:

  • Control Panel
  1. Dashboard
  2. Users Management (login/Register)
  3. Add posts On your Blog
  4. Media Management System
  5. Manage comments
  6. Orders Management
  7. product/Services management
  8. Categories/ Variations
  9. Shop setting
  10. currency setting
  11. Selling location(s)
  12. Tax Management
  13. cash on Delivery
  14. Direct Bank Transfer
  15. Check Payments
  16. PayPal Standard
  17. Analytic Reports (more than 50 Kind)
  18. import export excel sheet products
  19. Fire wall security


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